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China plush software toy market development status

In recent years, although there are still many uncertainties in the economic development of the world's major economies, the global economy as a whole has entered a recovery stage, and the market size of the plush software toy industry has generally maintained a stable growth trend, from the regional distribution point of view, the global plush software toy market size is mainly concentrated in Asia, Europe and North America. With the economic development and urbanization of the Asian region, the proportion of Asia continues to increase. Looking forward to the future global industrial economic development trend, with the soft toy industry market tilt to emerging countries, the market share of the Asian region will increase, and the market share of the European and American industry will remain relatively stable or slightly down.

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Most of China's toy exports are manufactured for foreign brands. These products are exported to all countries and regions in the world, including the European Union, the United States and other developed countries and regions. According to the "2023-2028 China Toy Industry Market Status and Development Strategy Research Report" released by Sihan Industry Research Institute, China's toy exports in 2022 will be 48.754 billion US dollars, an increase of 5.48%. Although Chinese toy production is dominated by Oems (original equipment manufacturers), some leading toy companies are moving towards independent research and development, and establishing their own intellectual property rights and brands. Original brand Manufacturing (OBM) can directly capture market share and improve business continuity, and OBM companies can achieve gross margins of 35% to 50%.

Since 2023, the impact of the epidemic has tended to diminish, and GDP growth has been significantly repaired, slightly higher than market expectations. In this opportunity, the plush software toy industry has also been well developed, industry market concentration refers to the number of sellers or buyers in an industrial market and its relative scale (that is, market share) distribution structure, it reflects the market monopoly and concentration degree.

From the perspective of market concentration, the number of enterprises in China's plush software toy industry has maintained growth in recent years.

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Looking back on the development of domestic soft toy industry in recent years, the demand for soft toy market is growing year by year, the scale of the industry continues to expand, and the scale of supply and demand is rising steadily. The continuous improvement of the industrial chain, the stable development of the technical level, and the continuous emergence of new enterprises have brought greater development space for the plush software toy industry. Overall, the plush software toy industry has broad prospects for development, the industry has huge growth potential, and there is a high investment value.

Post time: May-27-2024